

Code Compliance expends more time and money on weed violations than any other code requirement within the City of Fruita. Many citizens do not know they are required to maintain the weeds within roadways or alleys adjacent to their property or that they are to cut all weeds on their property, even if screened from the street. The city not only requires weeds to be cut, but the cuttings are also to be removed. Code Enforcement will work with citizens requiring additional time to cut their weeds, but routine maintenance is required throughout the weed growing season. The applicable codes can be viewed by clicking on 8.04 Weeds, Brush and Rubbish.

To report weed violations contact Code Compliance at (970) 858-0763.

Noxious Weeds

Because certain undesirable plants, primarily aggressive non-native invaders, constitute a threat to the “continuous economic and environmental value of the lands of the state”, these species must be managed on private and public lands, using integrated management techniques which are least damaging to the environment and which are practical and economically reasonable.

As mandated by the Colorado Noxious Weed Act, all persons must control noxious weed on their property if such plants are a threat to neighboring landowners or natural ecosystems. Weed control programs should be integrated in their approach, using all available technologies for effective weed control.

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