Community Open House on the PHROST Master Plan

Calendar Date:
Thursday, July 23, 2020 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm

FCC Open House
Thursday, July 23  ||  5:30 - 7 p.m.
Fruita Community Center  ||  324 N. Coulson Street


Fruita Parks and Recreation has been working to develop an updated master plan. We are excited to share the initial plan findings and recommendations with you!

During the open house, Master Plan consultants from GreenPlay, LLC. will share information gathered throughout the Parks, Health, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails (PHROST) Master Plan process, including results from community surveys, the department's current service level, identified key issues, and preliminary findings and recommendations.

The open house is a drop-in event, with no scheduled presentations. All information regarding the master plan findings will be on display for attendees throughout the open house.

Residents will also be given the opportunity to provide additional input to shape the final version of the plan, as well as the future direction of the department, at the July 23 open house. All Fruita residents are encouraged to attend.

As a reminder, visitors to the FCC are required to wear a mask and maintain six feet of distance from other attendees from outside of your household. Stay at home if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone experiencing symptoms. If you are unable to attend, this information is provided online at and feedback can be emailed to