City Manager Declares Local Disaster Emergency in Response to COVID-19

On March 24, the City Manager of Fruita declared a formal local disaster emergency in response to the COVID-19 Virus.  The full declaration can be found here, and the Press Release on the declaration can be found at this link.  The City Council ratified and extended the emergency declaration on March 26 in a virtual City Council meeting. 

Here is a quick note from the City Manager on the Declaration: 

“I do not want this action to cause additional alarm to the Fruita community, but to assure our
community that as we continue to work together to limit the spread of this virus, we are
positioning our community for eligibility of aid in the future, says Mike Bennett, Fruita City
Manager. “This declaration does not change existing measures and we strongly urge all residents
to adhere to the guidance of the Federal, State, County and City Governments which may be
found or linked to via where the City provides continuous updates."