OHVs on Fruita City Roads Update


Ron Pollard, President of Funshares in Grand Junction requested that City Council consider allowing OHVs on City roads in 2015 and decided to table to other higher priorities, staff concerns regarding safety and pending state legislation. Mr. Pollard again requested in February, 2016 that Council reconsider and the City Council decided to do so after the April election. Mr. Pollard presented to City Council at the May 17, 2016 Council meeting. At this meeting City Council requested staff add the topic on the May 24, 2016, Council Workshop. During the workshop, City Council requested that staff include in the summer issue of the City Link newsletter to residents the question:

“City Council would like to know if Fruita residents would like the City Council to consider allowing Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs) on City roads. Please let us know your thoughts by emailing OHV@fruita.org and at a minimum include (1) name, (2) home address and (3) yes or no. please email your responses by July 21, 2016. Thanks!”

While this type of survey was not ideal for getting a statistically valid response, of the 66 respondents who identified their names and addresses as Fruita residents, 45 indicated Yes and 21 indicated No. These results were presented to City Council at the July 26 Council Workshop. During this presentation and discussion, staff indicated a number of reasons staff would not recommend that Council pursue this further. Council requested that staff make a formal presentation at the August 16 Council meeting to provide and update and recommendation. Police Chief Judy Macy has prepared the attached report and recommendation that will be presented at the meeting.


With the recommendation to not pursue allowing OHV’s on City roads, there is no fiscal impact.


Deciding not to pursue allowing OHVs on City roads will allow staff to continue to prioritize limited resources and efforts on those things that have a direct impact on  Quality of Place, Economic Health and Lifestyle.


1. Take the report as an update.

2. Make a motion to not pursue allowing OHVs on City Roads.

3. Make a motion to direct staff to pursue allowing OHVs on City Roads.


To make a motion that staff not pursue allowing OHVs on City roads.

*Clerk's Note:  The Fruita City Council passed a motion with a unanimous vote to not pursue allowing OHVs on City Roads at their regular Council meeting of August 16, 2016.